Monday, September 6, 2010

RE: This Flesh

The following is a response to my friend Rob's similar post. While it is not sexual, it is excruciatingly explicit.

Feet - Size 9, shapely with a high arch. Light furring on top of arch and toe knuckles. Left big toe lost nail once and it's consequently smaller. Athlete's foot once in college. Toenails are thick, strongly curved and make a high angle. Pronounced sandal tan, even in winter.

Legs - The only muscular part of my body with biker's quads and taut hamstrings. Significant, light brown hair. Ghosts remain of repeated soccer-related ankle-sprains. 3/4'' crater scar from an infected spider-bite. Veininess obscured by hair.

Knees - Left knee has a blue spot from a piece of pencil graphite lodged long ago. Some scarring from scabbed knees.

Skin - Fair. Had eczema in middle school and acne from high school to present (though it's lessened somewhat).

Ass - Hair in continuation from legs. Conflicting opinions on whether it's unusually big or small for my build.

Hands - Shapely, very small hands with relatively stout fingers. Back of hand is also rather veiny and notable for fine wrinkles unusual for my age.

Penis - Average to larger-than-average size, in contradiction to common wisdom about hand and foot size. Frenulum lists to the left. Uncircumcised. Brown bush.

Torso - Slight, with a flat chest. Some hair on chest. One inch scar over hipbone. Major mole on right scapula, other minor ones. Navel is an innie.

Intestines - Conditioned on a diet of coffee, beer and cheese. Other drugs on a nonregular basis. Very, very happy.

Arms - Light-brown hair and potentially rather veiny. Left wrist is still tender from a months-old bike crash.

Skull - Narrow. Orthodontia-enhanced jaw (normal instead of a natural overbite). Slightly pronounced brow.

Eyes - Moderately nearsighted and ever-so-slightly colorblind. Hazel green. Mesmerizing to behold.

Ears - Disconnected earlobe. Genetic poor hearing in the middle ranges, which makes me say "What?" a lot and partially lip-read in noisy environments. My mom wears a hearing aid and I probably will too when I'm her age.

Teeth - Particularly prone to problems because of mouthbreathing and a high calcium concentration in my saliva. Also orthodontia-enhanced. Two cavities, one crown for a missing tooth. Back row of wisdom teeth removed.

Nose - Straightness tempered by a shallow arch. Biggish for my face.

Head Hair - Fine, light-brown and wavy. Pretty perfect in fact. Moderate unibrow (now plucked).

Brain - One minor concussion in high school knocked me unconscious and scrambled my short-term memory for the day. I don't know my IQ, but it's high. If my peers are a reasonable point of reference I'd guess in the 140's or 150's, but that's kind of a ridiculous percentile, so maybe lower. Also considered knowledgeable, but that includes a healthy dose of BS.

Overall - Majority French, a quarter German, some Welsh and Native American, maybe some Scottish. Blood type A. 5'10 and 130 pounds.

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